Program Evaluation Resources

Journals about evaluation or research methods

African Evaluation Journal   “The African Evaluation Journal will publish high quality peer-reviewed articles of merit on any subject related to evaluation, and provide targeted information of professional interest to members of AfrEA and its national associations and evaluators across the globe.”

Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods    “provides perspectives on topics relevant to research in the field of business and management.”

Harvard Family Research Project’s Evaluation Exchange  on line periodical. “addresses current issues facing program evaluators of all levels, with articles written by the most prominent evaluators in the field. ”  Last issue was in 2010.

International Journal of Qualitative Methods   “The International Journal of Qualitative Methods is the peer-reviewed interdisciplinary open access journal of the International Institute for Qualitative Methodology (IIQM) at the University of Alberta, Canada.”

Journal of Methods and Measurement in the Social Sciences (JMM)   “is an online scholarly publication focusing on methodology and research design, measurement, and data analysis”

The Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods   “an independent, peer-reviewed, open access journal designed to provide an outlet for the scholarly works of applied nonparametric or parametric statisticians, data analysts, researchers, classical or modern psychometricians, quantitative or qualitative evaluators, and methodologists.”

Journal of Official Statistics   many articles about research methods. Articles from 2012 and before are here   .

Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation    articles describing evalaution projects, and evaluation issues, methods, etc.

Journal of Research Practice   “The Journal aims to highlight the dynamics of research practice, as it unfolds in the life of a researcher, in the growth and decline of a field, and in relation to a changing social and institutional environment.”

Marketing Bulletin    On like journal about marketing, but many articles are about survey methods or other research methods. All are available for free.  Some articles are, “Theatre Audience on Stage: Three Experiments Analysing the Effects of Survey Design Features on Survey Response in Audience Research”, and “An Experiment with Skip Instructions.”

As of 2/1/16, last issue was in 2014

Methods, data, analyses   “publishes research on all questions important to quantitative methods, with a special emphasis on survey methodology.”

Pakistan Journal of Statistics   To get to the journals, click on PJS Library. One issue, Vol. 27, October 2011, No. 4, has a bunch of articles about surveys and sampling. Previous issues have various articles of interest.

Practical Assessment, Research and Evaluation   some articles about general evaluation and research methodology. For example, “Too reliable to be true? Response bias as a potential source of inflation in paper-and-pencil questionnaire reliability”  Peer, Eyal & Gamliel, Eyal. Volume 16, Number 9, June 2011.

Qualitative Social Research    “A peer-reviewed, free and interdisciplinary online journal for qualitative research.”  a journal of research about qualitative methods.  Some of the forums include: “Subjectivity and Reflexivity in Qualitative Research II”, and “Text, Archive, Re-Analysis”, and others.

Qualitative Sociology Review   Research using qualitative methods, and some about qualitative methods. For example: “Oh yes, I remember it well!” Reflections on Using the Life-Grid in Qualitative Interviews with Couples .

The qualitative report   edited on line journal about qualitative research.  A number of articles about qualitative methods.

Social Research Update    lots of articles about many different techniques. published quarterly by the Department of Sociology, University of Surrey, England. “Each issue, we will cover one topic in sufficient depth to indicate the main directions of recent developments and provide a bibliography for further reading. If there is room, we shall also list courses, addresses and other useful information.”

Last volume was in 2014

Surveillance and Society   has a couple of interesting issues. Issue 2/3, ‘Doing Surveillance Studies’: Methodology Issue, and issue 4, ‘People Watching People’: Personal Issue.

Survey Methods: Insights from the Field.   “The journal will be orientated towards the daily work of surveying”. The journal is edited jointly by the Swiss Foundation for Research in the Social Sciences and GESIS, the Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences.

Survey Methodology  From StatCan. “To draw on the expertise of internationally recognized professionals, look no further than Survey Methodology — a publication containing the very latest information on the development and application of survey techniques. Published twice yearly, Survey Methodology focuses on the development and evaluation of techniques used in data collection and interpretation.”

Also see their series on research.   click on information for researchers, expand the All Subjects choice, and one choice is for statistical methods (including survey, and other research related subjects)

Also see their Statistics Canada International Symposium Series – Proceedings   has various papers, such as “Center Sampling: A strategy for surveying difficult to reach populations”, and “Data collection, sometimes all it takes is a little persuasion … in the form of information”. The last symposium proceeding is from 2014.

Survey Practice    A new on line journal from American Association of Public Opinion Researchers. This journal is “designed to provide current information on issues in survey research and public opinion. The articles in Survey Practice emphasize useful and practical information designed to enhance survey quality by providing a forum to share advances in practical survey methods, current information on conditions affecting survey research, and interesting features about surveys and people who work in survey research.”

Survey Research Methods   actually forwards to   on line peer reviewed journal.  This journal “is the official journal of The European Survey Research Association”

Survey Statistician   this is a newsletter from the International Association of Survey Statisticians. But some of the items are about survey methods.

Project Euclid   has a whole bunch of free on line statistical journals. Some of their journals are:

Probability surveys  and   sponsored by mathematical associations.

Statistics surveys   “publishes survey articles in theoretical, computational, and applied statistics. The style of articles may range from reviews of recent research to graduate textbook exposition.”  From several statistical associations.

Directory of Open Access Journals   links to a bunch of statistics journals

For developing countries, check out the Health InterNetwork Access to Research Initiative   with free or low cost access to journals, for non profit institutions in developing countries. Includes these journals: American Journal of Evaluation, Evaluation and Program Planning, International Journal of Social Research Methodology, and others which may have related information.

List of journals checked and updated 2/1/16

Check out this very interesting SPOOF

Journal of Obnoxious Statistics    The Journal of Obnoxious Statistics (JOBS) is created specially for Lars Lyberg by his friends and colleagues to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Journal of Official Statistics.


Additional Resources through Web Links

Social Research Methods and Program Evaluation Resources

Basic guides   These have very plain and clear descriptions of what evaluation is. Useful to introduce people to evaluation.


Methods – books, manuals, guides to research methods and evaluation

Approaches to evaluation  , evaluator competencies, politics of evaluation and logic models.

Survey methods

Sites specifically about sampling

Methods – Qualitative

Policy Analysis

Research about research methods   Journals, individual papers, conferences, etc.

General methods, and links that don’t fit elsewhere

Links to links   Sites like this one, that link to resources for evaluation and research methods.

Gao books  on survey design, statistics, content analysis, other methods topics.

Statistics, design

Data Issues. Quality, usability, etc… I’m working on this one.

Free software for statistics, and a few office suite packages

Presenting results, statistical data and preparing research reports

subject areas you need to know social psychology, organizations, other

Free Statistical Tools on the Web   brief review of free statistical resources.

Insights   insights about evaluation from various people. only a few so far.

Training  on line training courses.

Videos about program evaluation or research methods. This includes recorded webinars

Featured sites

What is program evaluation: A set of beginners guides to Program Evaluation and Social Research Methods

EvalPartners  an “international evaluation partnership to strengthen Civil Society’s evaluation capacities”

Genuine Evaluation Patricia J Rogers and E Jane Davidson blog about real, genuine, authentic, practical evaluation

Statistics Without Borders   free statistical assistance on international health issues, from American Statistical Association.

Better Evaluation  International collaborative to improve evaluation.


 Free statistical software

World of Statistics Questions, Conclusions, and Recommendations: Connecting the Dots for an Effective Evaluation.The Evaluation Center at Western Michigan University.  (no-cost seminar archived on-line)

CDC Library Guide on Logic Models

A collection of high-quality logic models with narratives presented in four categories: (1) logic models for program planning; (2) logic models for program evaluation; (3) development of logic models; and (4) instructional materials.

Enhancing Program Performance with Logic Models (free web-based course)

Additional Web Resources

Resources for Methods in Evaluation and Social Research,

Evaluation Portal: Link Collection,

WWW Virtual Library: Evaluation,

American Evaluation Association: Online resources list,

CDC Evaluation Working Group resources